Setting SMART Fitness Goals – Plan to Succeed!

by May 6, 2016

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Reach your fitness goals

People Don’t Plan to Fail, They Fail to Plan.

Many times people will get a gym membership with the intent of getting into shape. What does this mean? How do they know when they’ve reached their fitness goals?

Just as you do with any other goal in your life, fitness goals must be planned. It is often helpful to use the SMART Method when setting fitness goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time Bound.

How to Succeed in Your Fitness Goals: The SMART Method

1. Be Specific

Fitness goals

Think about the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland. When Alice asks him which way she should go, he asks her where she is going. She says that it doesn’t really matter; To which, he responds with, “Then it really doesn’t matter which way you go.”

The same is true of our fitness goals. If we don’t have a specific destination in mind it doesn’t matter what exercise plans we follow. Once you have a clear idea of where you want to be then you are able to begin.

Example: I want to lose weight.

2. Set A Measurable Goal

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It doesn’t matter what goals you set if you don’t have a way of measuring it. How do I know when I have “lost enough weight?” The only way to know when you are “there” is to set fitness goals.

A measurable goal is also one you can measure along the way, setting smaller measurement goals to celebrate until you reach the big measurable goal. Doing this will keep your motivation up!

Example: I will lose 10 pounds total. I will lose 1-2 pounds per week until I reach my weight loss goal of 10 pounds.

3. Make Your Goal Plan Attainable!

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The next step is to evaluate your goal. Does this goal cause me to stretch but isn’t too extreme that I will injure myself? Is it realistic?

If I was set up a fitness plan to accomplish this goal would I physically and mentally be able to handle it?

This is the stage where you will start writing down how you will achieve your fitness goals. Compare this to what you feel like is realistic for yourself. You want to keep your motivation up, so set a goal that you feel that you can accomplish without too much sacrifice or you’ll give up.

Example: I will walk/run on a treadmill for ten minutes each day.

4. Set A Relevant Goal

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As you continue to evaluate the goal you’re setting, ask yourself, “Why do I want to accomplish this goal?”

If a goal isn’t important to you, you will not achieve it. You only do what’s important to you. If sitting at home watching a movie is more important to you, than that is what you will do! You can only ever do one thing at a time.

Example: I get out of breath when I play with my kids. It is important to me to spend time with them.

5. Make Your Goal Time Bound

Fitness goals

This is one of the most important to parts of a goal is creating a deadline. If there is no date to accomplish your goal, it won’t happen. Creating a deadline forces you to start now and to stop putting it off. Again, make sure this time bound goal is realistic!

Example: I will lose 10 pounds by August 15.

By using the SMART Method, you are planning to succeed and you are more likely to succeed! Remember that you are worth the sacrifices and imagine how happy you’ll feel when you reach your fitness goal!

Want more support and tips to reaching your fitness goals? Visit our Alpine Fitness website!


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