Getting started in fitness is a daunting task already. We don’t need the crowds and pressure at big box gyms like Vasa. By nature, franchise gyms cater to the masses and disregard the individual. In this blog post, we will learn about the empowerment local gyms offer Highland residents, and why starting your fitness journey with Alpine Fitness will satisfy you more than the corporate gym “bros” ever could. The following four reasons are why you should consider scheduling an appointment to come look at this local gym today.
Cut the Drive and Save Time
Getting into exercise and finding the time to work out can be hard, life is busy! We don’t have time to scour an entire warehouse space looking for the weight or machine we need, and big chain gyms are always busy when we finally get the time to work out. When we join a local gym in Highland we save ourselves the 40 minute trek to American Fork and back, and can exercise when it’s convenient for us. That enables us to fully utilize our time to actually exercise.
Alpine Fitness is open 24/6 (closed sundays by law). Since it’s a local gym, not a regional chain, we don’t have to schedule work out appointments days in advance. We can hit the treadmill whenever we have time, whether it’s before dropping the kids off or after the evening news.
Can We Get Some Breathing Room Please?
Local gyms aren’t big crowded warehouses full of testosterone, we don’t get all the “Hot Shots” flexing like it’s a competition and staring like it’s a meat market. Instead there are friendly faces like Deb from down the street and Tom from the golf club waving hello as we enter. Everyone is there for the same reason as us, to have a comfortable work out. Alpine Fitness specifically maintains an inviting atmosphere with sunny window views and clean work out stations.
A local Gym is part of the Highland neighborhood, an extension of home, and a secure place where you’ll feel confident & comfortable. We get our own electronic key fob to enter and exit the gym anytime we please and the door locks automatically behind us.
A Member Not A Sale
Award winning trainers aren’t football coaches that yell at us, award winning trainers teach us how to build the body we want and can take control of our fitness journey. The knowledge we can gain from talking to a Best-Of-State personal trainer will launch us into a new realm of fitness independence. Some local gyms in Highland, like Alpine Fitness, also have nutritionists to help us learn about the foods that fuel our bodies for weight loss or muscle gain. At a local gym, the personal trainers and nutrition coaches have time for US. They develop a relationship with us. They tailor fitness plans to our specific needs and body goals, not just pencil us in as the next client.
Local Gyms Have Reliable Equipment
Us newcomers don’t need the most flashy equipment, but we DO want equipment that we know is safe, works properly, and is taken care of. With the amount of people at the bigger chain gyms, things get broken all the time and can take weeks to repair. I can’t tell you how common the following experience is: We finally get the chance to go to the gym, and look! A treadmill is open! That never happens, we got so lucky! But we approach only to see the “Out Of Service” sign…
At local gyms, the machines and equipment are cleaned and checked several times a day. Alpine Fitness specifically, always has the newest and cleanest equipment, making our fitness journey easy, reliable, and enjoyable. Plus, they are building a new location that will have the feel good atmosphere but with MORE room and MORE new equipment.
In closing, local gyms in Highland are throwing some serious punches at the “Vasa experience” and cater to Highland and Alpine residents. They are much closer to home and work with any schedule. They have an easy-going “no pressure” atmosphere. When it comes to local gyms, not only does Alpine FItness have Best-Of-State personal training, but they also put the newest and most reliable equipment at our fingertips. I can’t think of a better place to start our fitness journey!
Call and Schedule an appointment to look at the Alpine Fitness Gym with the link below!