Anger Management
In today’s fast paced, high stress world, there are many things that can trigger anger. Examples of a trigger could be losing your patience on a project at work or feeling as if your opinion and efforts are not appreciated at home. Anger is an emotion that can overtake your other emotions leaving you feeling angry all the time. To avoid anger people will look for anger management alternatives. Anger build up inside it can affect your body physically as well as emotionally. Many adults young and old often struggle with understanding or controlling their anger.
Built up anger can cause people to lash out on others, cause headaches, and create digestion problems. Talk therapy is often the first choice for people who struggle with controlling anger. Some people often feel that they need an addition to talk therapy. Talking about anger can help. Many people recommended to hit/punch something in order to get rid of your body’s energy. An increasingly popular alternative or addition to talk therapy is boxing. Boxing provides a safe, physical outlet for anger. Boxing provides a space for people to “punch” away anger, allowing for both the body and mind to feel better. it is often one of the first choices for an anger management alternative.
What Causes Anger?
Stress is caused by feeling overwhelmed and putting too much pressure on yourself. The on going Covid-19 pandemic has caused incalculable amounts of stress on individuals and families. Unrelenting amounts of stress cause feelings of anger, anxiety, and depression. Sometimes it feels like there’s no end to the stress and without an outlet, stress builds up causing mental and physical harm to the body. When it comes to stress people often don’t know how to control it so it builds up and bubbles over into uncontrollable anger when triggered. Stress can also lead to panic attacks in some people. For each person it can be different. If you are starting to become overly stressed out you should find an outlet that helps your mind and body relax. Boxing gets endorphins flowing to help reduce anxiety.
Depression is a complex thing to describe. People who struggle with depression often feel like they have no way of feeling better. Depression can be caused by many different things. A few examples are genetic brain chemistry, trauma, grief, medications, and situational events. Someone who has untreated depression for a long period of time, it can lead to a build up of other emotions such as anger. Depression is different from sadness and grief. Anyone and everyone gets sad but very few people actually struggle with depression. Depression and grief often occur at the same time due to having similar triggers. If you are experiencing depression it might be best to talk with your primary care doctor.
Anger Management Alternatives
Whatever the underlying causes, your body and your brain need to release the build up of anger to feel better. There are many different techniques when it comes to Anger management alternatives. It depends on the person for what techniques work the best. Some examples are Therapy, boxing, and meditation.
Therapy is great for if your anger has gotten to the point where you feel like you need a professional to help control it. There are many different anger management therapy’s to choose from. In group therapy provides a group of people to meet with a therapist at the same time to discuss their anger problems. Anger management therapy provides one on one therapy work personalized to the individual. While there are other forms of therapy; group and anger management are the 2 best when it comes to controlling your anger.
Just like Therapy and boxing it depends on the person if this will work for you. There are many forms and styles you can practice when you meditate. If you want to meditate alone You can choose to listen to music, read a good book, write in a journal, focus on your breathing, or simply just sit in silence. If you want to meditate in more of a group setting you could try yoga, pilates, walk outside, and play with a pet. No matter how you choose to meditate, all things can help relax the mind and body.
There are many different training sessions when it comes to boxing. At Alpine Fitness, we focus on hand-to-hand practice with a skilled instructor. This form of training helps you to understand the fundamentals of boxing in a safe and encouraging environment. Boxing is a great way to help get rid of built up anger because you literally get to punch your anger out. When you box, your mind and body needs to be fully engaged. By focusing your mind on the power your body has, you are able to completely free your mind. This feeling helps relieve your body of any stress and anger to leave you calmer than you were before the workout.
Just like many other sports boxing has set rules you need to follow. With so many things to learn it’s often stressful to do alone. If you decide to take up boxing it’s recommended to work with a boxing instructor. A few of the rules are basic such as only use certain parts of your body to hit your opponent. don’t hit below the belt, headbutt, bite, or an opponent is also another basic rule. As you learn more about boxing the rules get more detailed and complicated. Once you learn all the rules you are able to grow in the sport.
Boxing Anger Management Alternatives
If you are looking for a boxing program try Alpine Boxing. Here at Alpine fitness we offer both private and semi-private boxing appointments to see if boxing is right for you. In your appointments, you will work on learning and improving your technique with slips, rolls, stepping, form, and stance. One boxing session is 40 minutes. In your session your instructor will take into account your skills no matter if you are just starting out or have more advanced boxing skills. This boxing program is great for beginners who are wanting to learn the fundamentals of boxing. “There is no comfort in the growth zone. There is no growth in the comfort zone.”
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