We had the pleasure of having Aubrey Farnsworth Bonds in our office a few weeks ago to talk about her life and love of fitness with us here at Alpine Fitness, as well as her new book I Can Do Hard Things. I Can Do Hard Things is an autobiography highlighting her strength and resilience through all trials encountered in her life. She is the sweetest soul beaming with light and love. Her ever-present smile and energy are an inspiration to us all here in the gym.
Tell us a little about yourself?
“My name is Aubrey Farnsworth Bonds and I’ve always been a huge fan of working out and being active. I’ve tried many gyms in my years, but no one has made me want to work more hard for it than Alpine Fitness. When I began with my first trainer here, I can honestly say I was sore for almost a week. That is how I knew I was doing things right and working with an amazing trainer.”
What is your story?
“I’m Aubrey Farnsworth Bonds and I’m originally from Arizona. My life pretty much changed forever when I was 5 years old. I was in the worst car crash in Mesa, Arizona history. We were hit by a semi gravel truck weighing 80,000 lb and I died at the scene … [the truck] ended up hitting 5 to 6 other cars and killed a woman that was eight months pregnant, which is really sad. My two brothers, my mom, my brother-in-law now, and his brother we’re on our way to the movies. [We] stopped at an intersection and the gravel truck just didn’t stop. My brother was awake for the whole thing and was there when I was dead at the scene for 7 minutes. To this day I am still half-paralyzed and missing ⅓ of my brain and have gone through surgery after surgery … I’ve learned to just carry on through the years.”
How is your brother after all these years?
“He has a great heart. He is always rushing to help someone in need, but still goes through a lot of very emotional moments since the accident.”
You spoke earlier of having a bond with one of the firemen who arrived at your accident? Are you still friends today?
“There was one specific firefighter who I am still great friends with that helped perform CPR on me for 7 minutes and he speaks about feeling our hearts connect. We still keep in touch, and we send photos of accomplishments back and forth. And [he] was a guest at my wedding.”
How was your schooling affected after the accident?
“Junior high was really hard … I was bullied big time by these two girls. They acted like my friends to my face, but would always pull tricks on me. One specific time I was at a birthday party, and they were trying to force me to choose dare in the game truth or dare. I ultimately ended up being embarrassed in front of the entire birthday party because I refused to do what she told me to. From that day on I promised myself that I would never be forced to do anything I didn’t want to do.”
What another situation where you have chosen yourself against all else?
“I’ve been so scared because of these situations. I have been abused by many men in my life and because of that happening I have decided to take full control of these situations and remember it isn’t my fault what has been done to me but it is my responsibility to heal myself. It’s time to focus on me, not poor circumstances.”
What have you learned?
“I’ve learned to stay true to myself and my values. I’ve learned to evaluate my wants and make sure they are aligned with my future, because I have faith in myself.”
Have you always been a fighter?
“I know I can conquer anything. That’s what this book I Can Do Hard Things is about.”
Tell me about the book?
“It’s all about me and everything I’ve gone through in my life. It’s creating a more powerful me. As I work on it, it reminds me how strong I am and how much value there is in being me. I started writing it a few months ago, but I’ve always known I’ve wanted to be a writer. I went to writing school, but had to drop out because of my fathers death. I never went back and finished school, but this book has a lot to say about accomplishing things I never thought I would get to. I love to speak the truth and offer insight into reality. It’s really important to me and I can’t wait for people to read it when it comes out in a few weeks!”
What is your next goal?
“Keep building my relationship with my husband as well as continuing riding my horse!”
How did you and Dustin meet?
“Dustin and I met a year ago on Mutual. Our first date still makes me laugh. We went to a pond and just hung out, fed the ducks and walked. I had so much fun, and I knew he was my future husband as soon as I met him. It was love at first sight, he was just perfect in every way. Our relationship is amazing, we have the same values and want the same things so it really works.”
Bridle Up Hope is a non-profit charity changing young women’s lives through riding and connecting with horses, developing critical life skills with the 7 habits of highly effective people from Stephen Covey’s world renown book, and serving with others. You’re still riding your horse with them, correct?
“Yes I have been at Bridle Up Hope, an all women’s foundation, for 6 years. I actually donated my horse to them, Diego. When I first got on Diego I couldn’t believe I was riding it when I realized he was the one for me. Bridle up hope rescues horses and the horses rescue the women.”
Who’s one of your biggest inspirations?
“Shaun Covey, one of my dear friends, inspired me to write a book, and keep going when things get tough. Bridle Up hope is also extremely influential in my life, and allows me to learn and grow.”
Who’s your role model?
“My role model is my father, he taught me never to give up. If I want to make something happen I do, and I learned that from dad. I want my readers to know that every hardship I’ve gone through was for the purpose of making me stronger. Having self respect and love has taken me so much farther in my recovery than anything else.”
What are your 3 principles you live by?
“God, Faith, and Conquer!”
What made you smile this week?
“My husband, he’s really funny. Our relationship is built on being each other’s best friends and always allowing for a safe space to be goofy.”
Why did you decide to start working out?
“I’ve always liked going to the gym and getting stronger, but also that feeling after the gym is unmatched.”
What’s been your greatest role model or inspiration here at Alpine Fitness?
“The owner, he’s just the owner of an amazing gym. There’s been a couple days where I’m working out and he’s working out next to me and we just push each other to be our best. At the end of the day it’s about feeling good, healthy, strong and being happy you accomplished a successful workout.”
Has that good feeling inside of the gym bled over into other aspects of your life?
“I started working out at the gym when I was like 13 and overall I have noticed a bigger boost in myself and my outlook on life.”
Aubrey’s story is full of lessons, hardships, and encouraging words. Everyone here at Alpine Fitness is so lucky to know her because to know her is to love her. She is such an inspiration to those around her and there is so much we can learn from such a resilient woman like herself. We are thankful she is a part of the Alpine Fitness family and she continues to encourage all of us here at the gym.
We’ll make sure to keep all of you readers up-to-date on the progress of Aubrey’s book. Make sure to follow our blog and social media for news on the release of I Can Do Hard Things. In the meantime check out this video by Aubrey to learn more details about her accident and life: My Story (Aubrey Farnsworth). And if you see Aubrey in the Gym, say hi and encourage her to keep up the awesome work!
Aubrey is everything mentioned in this article and more. Her ability to face and overcome hard things is something we should all seek to learn from. Way to go, Aubrey. You’re awesome. Thanks for all you’ve taught me!